As a dedicated member of the car sharing community, Careerplus has been won over by the car sharing concept

Careerplus recruitment specialists provide their clients with qualified staff at 13 sites in Switzerland.

They regularly use Mobility to travel to their business clients, who are often located in industrial areas or outside of city centres. Mobility Business car sharing is the ideal solution in this respect. «Many of our 150 employees are young people who often do not own their own car. Mobility provides them with just the flexibility and mobility they need to do their job,» says Co-Director Jacqueline Scheuner. The service is working very well. In figures: Careerplus provides 42 transferable subscriptions. In 2016, employees covered 65’000 kilometres across 1’130 journeys. They appreciate that Mobility’s entire vehicle fleet, comprising 2’890 vehicles at 1’480 stations all over Switzerland, is available to them at any time.

Careerplus’s recruitment consultants have been travelling with Mobility since 2011. Sandra Bollinger, responsible for the sales team in Bern, visits her clients in and around Bern, Fribourg and Solothurn one to two times a week. «It’s great,» she says enthusiastically. «I mainly use public transport and have the handy and easy option of using a suitable car if I need to.» She also particularly likes that she can choose from different vehicle categories. Like her employees, Jacqueline Scheuner, a former private user of Mobility, has also been won over by car sharing: «Mobility fits in with our corporate culture and values. We place great importance on sustainability – from how much paper we use all the way up to how we travel around and our personnel policy.» Careerplus will continue to count on Mobility in the future too, as the company very much identifies with the philosophies of sharing and sustainable mobility.

Careerplus enjoys many benefits

  • No outlay and costs relating to their own vehicles and parking spaces
  • Mobility’s 24-hour service: assistance with breakdowns, accidents and damage, as well as regular cleaning and maintenance
  • Use of Mobility’s vehicles can be easily combined with public transport thanks to Careerplus’s centrally located branches
  • Vehicles can be used on demand
  • Very positive feedback from employees and clients
  • Helps to reduce CO2 emissions
Do you also have a Mobility-Flex story? Send an e-mail to business(at) with a few lines describing your use of Mobility.

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