Represent Cooperative members as a delegate
The position of delegate
Delegates are representatives of the Cooperative members in their section and represent the latter at the annual conference of delegates. Delegates are Cooperative members themselves and are elected at their section assemblies for an ordinary term of two years. Throughout Switzerland there are a total of 150 delegate positions available and these are distributed in proportion to the number of Cooperative members in the individual sections. Cooperative members have the option of choosing a chairperson from among their elected delegates to help prepare and chair their section meeting.
Delegates are informed and involved
Delegates are informed about Mobility business operations and developments as well as about their own section. They are provided with information by Mobility via additional information channels and attend Cooperative events (e.g. section assemblies, delegate forums, regional meetings, delegate assemblies, etc.). Delegates are entitled to discounts as part of the Mobility program. Travel expenses and an attendance allowance are paid for attendance at the conference of delegates. There is a culture of addressing each other by first names among delegates and replacement delegates.