Financial Report

(abridged version)

The COVID-19 pandemic also had an impact on the course of business at many companies for the second year in a row. At Mobility, this was most evident among clients from the business sector, in which the volume of journeys stagnated at the same level as the previous year, after having nosedived in 2020. In this regard, Mobility is hoping to recover the situation after the majority of restrictions are lifted in early 2022. Fortunately, the car sharing company has more than been able to compensate for the negative effects of the pandemic during the fiscal year due to growth in the private customer sector. These customers were once again travelling more frequently and using the red cars for longer durations on average. The bottom line for 2021 amounted to total turnover of CHF 80.7 million (up 6.8 %) and a profit of CHF 2.8 million (up 6.4 %). This can be evaluated as a good, robust result.

Mobility has been successful at attracting customers. An increase of 22’100 people brought the total number of Mobility users up to 267’100. At the same time, Mobility also cleaned up its customer database, removing around 25’000 data records which were duplicates of inactive customer data. In conclusion, Mobility’s total number of customers now comes to 242’300.

Soon, one in ten Mobility cars will be electric

The digitalisation of the car sharing company goes hand in hand with electrifying the entire vehicle fleet by 2030. In a fleet of around 3’000 cars, 200 are already fully electric and many more will be added this year. At the same time, preparations are under way for expanding the charging infrastructure in high-altitude Alpine destinations in collaboration with partners such as the SBB, Raiffeisen Group and Swiss city authorities. This is the first step towards climate neutrality, which the company is planning to achieve by 2040.

The key figures

Cooperative Governance

The pandemic provided a boost to digitalisation, including in the Mobility cooperative. For the first time, events during the fiscal year – from the section meeting to the delegation meeting – were conducted virtually. Mobility intends to strengthen open, digital dialogue further. The positivity of early discussions with the delegates and deputy delegates last year affirms the course of action taken. The next step is the expansion of communication channels across the rest of the cooperative’s members.



Position/expert in

Board of Directors  

Markus Mahler


Chairman, corporate management, corporate strategy, platform economy

Rolf Georg Schmid


Corporate management, corporate strategy

Prof. Dr. iur. Sabine Kilgus


Law and governance

Arnd Bätzner


National and international mobility markets

Carol Chisholm


Cyber governance and cooperative status

Executive Board  

Roland Lötscher


Managing Director Mobility Cooperative

Peter Affentranger


Head of Human Resources

Alex Greuter


Head of Technology

Luisa D’Amato


Chief Operations Officer

Lars Kläger


Head of Commerce

Siegfried Wanner


Head of Finance

Audit Commission  

Dr. oec. HSG René Gastl


Member of the Audit Commission

Luzia Wigger Stein


Member of the Audit Commission

Sacra Tomisawa-Schumacher


Member of the Audit Commission

Board of Directors Selection Committee  

Guy Wolfensberger


President of the Vaud Section

Stefan Zehnder


Delegate, Zurich City/Zurich West Section

Auditor of the Mobility cooperative  

BDO AG (Luzern), Marcel Geisser


Lead Auditor

Annual Report 2021

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