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Customer focus

User satisfaction is high and still increasing

At the end of the day, car sharing only works if customers like the service and recommend it to others. To gauge customer sentiment, Mobility uses the standardised, cross-sector net promoter score (NPS) method. It demonstrates that Mobility users are highly satisfied and loyal. Furthermore, in 2022 satisfaction was up by four points on the previous year – an excellent score which we hope to improve even more.

Mobility modernises its offers and prices

To keep up with the times and changing customer requirements, Mobility updated its offers and rates in November 2022. This makes car sharing fair and helps it meet the community’s needs. In the same stroke, it secures the cooperative’s business model into the future. Longer journeys are now more attractively priced thanks to day packages, while short journeys are on average slightly more expensive. The annual subscription has been replaced with a monthly subscription, thus offering more flexibility. It is also worthwhile for members of the cooperative to switch to a mobilityMEMBER offer, as they will receive discounts on reservations longer than 72 hours three times per year. The offers are available to both new users and existing customers.

A new offer for young customers

Mobility’s new offer mobilityYOUNG is aimed at young users in particular. For people under the age of 28, the monthly subscription costs will be waived after a lifetime membership fee is paid and they can also drive on the best terms (like members of the cooperative). By doing this, Mobility is aiming to offer young customers an easy entry point into the world of car sharing and to convince them of the benefits of sustainable mobility before they buy their first private car.

Smartphones as car keys

Since July 2022, all vehicles in the Mobility fleet can be locked and unlocked via a smartphone’s Bluetooth connection. This feature was first introduced for free-floating cars in Basel two years ago. However, due to the complex architecture of the Mobility software, further development and tests were required to expand it to the entire fleet. All the better then, that customers now have a third set of keys, beside their Mobility Card and Swisspass.

Social responsibility

A unique employment culture.

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