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Electric car depreciation: what is the residual value of the battery?

The market for used electric cars is growing, yet there is virtually no second-hand car market. How Mobility is responding to the lack of standards in the still young electric car sector.



Efficiency: electric cars are much more efficient

The efficiency of an electric drive is so high that it is predestined for road traffic. We explain how electric cars, combustion engines, and fuel cell vehicles compare. And where the differences derive from.



Electric cars: does the battery pose an increased risk of fire?

Mobility operates 600 electric cars. Are you wondering if the risk of fire is greater than in the case of a combustion engine? Here you can find out why this much-cited prejudice is in fact misguided – and what to do if the worst comes to the worst.



Electric cars: Battery recycling for increased sustainability

Manufacturing batteries for electric cars requires enormous amounts of energy and resources That’s why it’s important to recycle them. This is something that will be particularly relevant from the 2030s onwards. Swiss companies are looking to get involved, too.



Bidirectional charging: Definition, potential & examples

Imagine your electric car not only consuming electricity, but also acting as a mobile energy source. That’s exactly what bidirectional charging facilitates – a technology with great potential. Read on to find out how it works, where it could be used, and what the challenges are.



Bidirectional charging: new Electricity Act provides better conditions

Mobility’s “V2X Suisse” project has come to an end. The conclusion: the electromobility of the future is shared, bidirectional and grid-serving. Here are key questions and answers about Switzerland’s biggest trial to date.



“There’s particularly high potential for CO2 savings among young adults”

We’re still not travelling sustainably enough, even though we ought to know better. Environmental psychologist Cathérine Hartmann explains why greater environmental awareness doesn’t automatically go hand in hand with climate-friendly action – and why mobility is a challenging area when it comes to changing people’s behaviour.



How you can support three climate projects with three centimes

It would make a good maths question: if you times three centimes by two, then divide by four and send the resulting number to Madagascar, how many trees are there in Prättigau? We’ll give the answer at the end.



A climate neutral site in the heart of Switzerland

What we think we achieve with avocado toast and mindfulness, Suurstoffi has accomplished with innovation and state-of-the-art technology. The site is sustainable, green, self-sufficient – and has been the home of the Mobility Cooperative since 2018.



“Is being stuck in a traffic jam every morning and evening really the way we want to live, or are we going to do something about it?”

Like a lot of other people, Laurent Roux owns a car, but he rarely needs it. So he shares it with his neighbours. For the CEO of Verkehrsbetriebe Luzern (VBL), car sharing is an important piece of the puzzle along the way to achieving to sustainable mobility.


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